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Thin wrappers around cuvec_swig C++/CUDA module

A SWIG-driven equivalent of the CPython Extension API-driven

SWIGVector Objects#

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class SWIGVector(CVector)


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def __init__(typechar: str, shape: Shape, cuvec=None)

Args: typechar(char) shape(tuple(int)) cuvec(SwigPyObject>): if given, typechar and shape are ignored

CuVec Objects#

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class CuVec(np.ndarray)

A numpy.ndarray compatible view with a cuvec member containing the underlying SWIGVector object (for use in CPython API function calls).



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def __cuda_array_interface__() -> Dict[str, Any]


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def resize(new_shape: Shape)

Change shape (but not size) of array in-place.


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def zeros(shape: Shape, dtype="float32") -> CuVec

Returns a cuvec.swig.CuVec view of a new numpy.ndarray of the specified shape and data type (cuvec equivalent of numpy.zeros).


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def copy(arr) -> CuVec

Returns a cuvec.swig.CuVec view of a new numpy.ndarray with data copied from the specified arr (cuvec equivalent of numpy.copy).


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def asarray(arr, dtype=None, order=None, ownership: str = 'warning') -> CuVec

Returns a cuvec.swig.CuVec view of arr, avoiding memory copies if possible. (cuvec equivalent of numpy.asarray).

Args: ownership: logging level if is_raw_cuvec(arr). WARNING: asarray() should not be used on an existing reference, e.g.: >>> res = asarray(some_swig_api_func(..., output=getattr(out, 'cuvec', None))) res.cuvec and out.cuvec are now the same yet garbage collected separately (dangling ptr). Instead, use the retarray helper: >>> raw = some_swig_api_func(..., output=getattr(out, 'cuvec', None)) >>> res = retarray(raw, out) NB: asarray()/retarray() are safe if the raw cuvec was created in C++/SWIG, e.g.: >>> res = retarray(some_swig_api_func(..., output=None))


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def retarray(raw, out: Optional[CuVec] = None)

Returns out if hasattr(out, 'cuvec') else asarray(raw, ownership='debug'). See asarray for explanation. Args: raw: a raw CuVec (returned by C++/SWIG function). out: preallocated output array.